Double Arch Reef

The first arch of  The Double Arch Reef Dive Site, is a smaller archway starting at 27 m and directly beneath it is the larger of the two, stretching to the seabed at 36 m. There is prolific fish life here especially around the outer leg of the reef, with groupers and spectacular shoals of barracuda dominating.


Off the north coast of Gozo, in Xwejni Bay, lies the remarkable Double Arch Reef. Positioned approximately 200 meters offshore, this extended underwater rocky headland showcases two naturally carved archways, creating a mesmerizing underwater spectacle.

The first archway, starting at 27 meters, introduces divers to the unique charm of Double Arch Reef. Below it, a larger archway extends to the seabed at 36 meters, adding to the allure of this extraordinary formation. Navigating through these impressive arches provides an unforgettable underwater experience, making it one of the most intriguing sites in Maltese waters.

Beyond its geological wonders, Double Arch Reef is home to a diverse aquatic life. Dusky grouper, bath sponge, barracuda, double-banded bream, regular sea urchins, amberjack, fourline nudibranch, common octopus, European parrotfish, ornate- or Turkish wrasse, john dory or Peter’s fish, dentex, and saddled bream contribute to the vibrant marine ecosystem.

The rich biodiversity enhances the underwater adventure, offering divers an opportunity to explore the depths of Xwejni Bay. Double Arch Reef stands as a testament to the captivating beauty found beneath the surface, making it a must-visit dive site for those seeking both geological wonders and vibrant marine life in Gozo’s pristine waters.

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